"The Book Thief," narrated by Death, is a powerful story set in Nazi Germany that blends loss, hope, and the transformative power of reading. Through Liesel Meminger, a young girl who finds solace in stolen books, the novel explores resilience and the endurance of the human spirit. The Folio Society's edition captures the timeless relevance of this beloved classic.
You’ve come to the perfect place! We’ve asked our Head of Editorial to share his top picks for the best sci-fi and fantasy reads from our collection.
From enchanted castles that roam the countryside to mind-bending realities that challenge everything you know, our blog invites you to explore worlds beyond your wildest dreams.
Are you ready to immerse yourself in worlds filled with intrigue and adventure? We thought so! That's why we've invited our new Fiction Editor, Sophia Schoepfer to share her top picks from the Folio fiction collection. Are you ready to immerse yourself in worlds filled with intrigue and adventure? We thought so! That's why we've invited our new Fiction Editor, Sophia Schoepfer to share her top picks from the Folio fiction collection.
So dive right in and uncover the stories that have captivated imaginations worldwide.
Would you like to journey through history and explore the wonders of the natural world? We knew you would! That's why we've called upon the expertise of Mandy Kirby, our Non-Fiction Editor, to handpick her absolute must-reads for any non-fiction lover.
So why wait? Dive into our blog to explore the mysteries of Jupiter, the age of dinosaurs, and even thrilling tales of adventure that you'll savour with every page.
Are you ready to embark on a magical adventure with your children? Welcome to our blog, where we have asked our Folio editor, Sophia Shchoepfer to share her top picks for children's books.
Dive into our blog and discover whimsical worlds and epic tales that will ignite a lifelong love for reading.
Are you ready to embark on a magical adventure with your children? Welcome to our blog, where we have asked our Folio editor, Sophia Shchoepfer to share her top picks for children's books.
Dive into our blog and discover whimsical worlds and epic tales that will ignite a lifelong love for reading.