In an exclusive Folio anthology illustrated by Jonathan Lloyd and Neil Gower, former Poet Laureate Andrew Motion gathers together the greatest war poetry, from antiquity to the Cold War and beyond.
Collected Poems
£49.95This exceptional Folio edition of Philip Larkin’s Collected Poems includes a new foreword by Andrew Motion. It is the only edition of Larkin’s poetry to be illustrated with many of the author’s own photographs.
A beautifully presented collection that celebrates the radical style of a visionary American poet. This edition follows the 1955 text prepared by Thomas H. Johnson, which presents the poems as Dickinson intended.
A unique collection of poetry and prose, beautifully bound and illustrated with newly commissioned artwork.
Introduced by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy, this anthology is a celebration of poetry and the passion it inspires. It gathers together more than 300 of our favourite poems, spanning over 400 years.
The perfect gift for any lover of poetry this Christmas - don't miss beautiful hardback, illustrated poetry books from The Folio Society. From the shortest Haiku to ancient epics, from love sonnets to psalms.