Gorgeous Gifts for Students: Celebrate Success with a Folio Edition
It’s that time of year when millions of young people are tentatively peeling open envelopes that will lead them towards the next stage in their life. Whatever the outcome, the years of study and surviving the stressful exam period are worthy of celebration … and what better gift than a beautiful book?
We’ve selected some of our favourite Folio books here: ultimate editions and gorgeous keepsakes of classics.
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
‘What happens when people open their hearts?’ ‘They get better.’
A poignant coming-of-age story with students as the protagonists.
On Photography by Susan Sontag
To collect photographs is to collect the world.’
Published in 1977, this groundbreaking work remains a keystone text. Remarkably, this is the first-ever illustrated edition.
A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
‘When you play a game of thrones you win or you die.’
The ultimate modern fantasy presented in the ultimate edition – a perfect gift for George R. R. Martin fans.
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
‘Knowing was a temptation. What you don't know won't tempt you.’
‘Science fiction has monsters and spaceships; speculative fiction could really happen.’ Margaret Atwood’s chilling cautionary tale is becoming more prescient by the year.
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
‘There's something in all of us that wants a medal for what we have done. That wants to be appreciated.’
One of the great works of modern fiction, Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Color Purple is also one of the most banned books in America.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
‘We did everything adults would do. What went wrong?’
Studied and critiqued ever since publication in 1954, William Golding’s novel about the dark side of human nature is a potent read.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
‘I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.’
One of literature’s great heroines, Jane Eyre was ahead of her time in her determination and integrity. A compelling character and a captivating love story – a true classic.