Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is the powerful memoir of an American slave, published with photographic portraits and a new introduction exclusive to the Folio edition.
Introduced by Shirley A. Leckie
Angie Debo’s comprehensive and compassionate account provides an unrivalled history of American Indians from the dawn of their first contact with Europeans to the late 20th century.
When Columbus returned to Spain with his stories of a gentle people living on fertile new lands, the result was a stampede the like of which was not seen again until the gold rush. Spanish, English and Portuguese explorers, slave-hunters and would-be colonisers were quick to follow his tracks.
As predicted, they found a people ‘of a tractable, free and loving nature, without guile or treachery’ (Sir Francis Drake), and a land ‘the most plentiful, sweet, fruitful, and wholesome of all the world’ (Sir Walter Raleigh). Though some were doubtless well-intentioned, these intruders did only harm. They brought axes and hoes to aid farming and guns to hunt bison, but they also brought deadly diseases and they brought whisky, which rapidly became the most effective bargaining tool and had a disastrous effect on a people unaccustomed to it. But perhaps most devastating of all was their failure to understand the relationship between the Indians and their land and the Indians’ own inability to defend their way of life. ‘Truly the Indians, whether civilised or wild, had no guile to match the white man’ duplicity.’
‘We gave them forest-clad mountains and valleys full of game, and in return what did they give our warriors and women? Rum and trinkets and a grave’
- Tecumseh, Shawnee Warrior, 1812
Bound in buckram with a contrasting panel printed with a photograph by Edward S. Curtis
Set in Palatino with Gill Sans display
528 pages
Frontispiece and 32 pages of colour and monochrome plates
Plain slipcase
10˝ × 6¾˝
‘Away back in that time – in 1492 – there was a man by the name of Columbus came from across the great ocean, and he discovered this country for the white man ... What did he find when he first arrived here? Did he find a white man standing on this continent ... I stood here first, and Columbus first discovered me’
- Chitto Harjo, Creek fullblood, 1906
The Indians became subject people, ruled over by foreigners, whose policies were at best misguided and at worst savagely anti-Indian. Angie Debo’s comprehensive and compassionate account provides an unrivalled history of American Indians from the dawn of their first contact with Europeans to the late 20th century. It is a remarkable tale of a remarkable survival.