Ian Fleming’s The Man with the Golden Gun sees the world’s greatest super spy tackle a deadly assassin. The latest adventure in the Folio Bond series is illustrated by Fay Dalton.
Illustrated by Fay Dalton
Ian Fleming’s superspy James Bond returns to seek revenge for his murdered wife in this exquisite Folio edition of You Only Live Twice – illustrated by the brilliant Fay Dalton.
The eleventh book in the enormously popular Bond series sees the agent fighting not only for his life, but for his very livelihood. The last book to be published before Fleming died, You Only Live Twice contains in abundance everything that makes a Bond novel so thrilling: exotic locations, glamorous women, grotesque villains – while also revealing a little more of what makes the agent tick. Fay Dalton continues her incredible work on this series, with seven gorgeous colour illustrations and a show-stopping pictorial slipcase. Japan makes an especially alluring location for both writer and artist, with Fleming giving Bond a whistle-stop tour of Japanese culture, while Dalton’s bewitching artworks make the most of every lush scene she brings to life. An unmissable volume in one of Folio’s landmark collections.
Discover the other titles in the Folio James Bond series.
Bound in blocked cloth
Set in Miller Text with Folio Bold Condensed display
232 pages
Frontispiece and 6 colour illustrations
Pictorial slipcase
9″ x 6¼″
‘The background is excellent ... Mr Fleming has caught the exact "feel" of Japan’
- Financial Times
Bond is at his lowest ebb. Since Blofeld murdered his wife all passion for his work has disappeared, but M is willing to give him once last chance to save his career. In a seemingly impossible mission, Bond must infiltrate the so-called Castle of Death, the home of the mysterious Dr Shatterhand. Looming on the shores of the Japanese island of Kyushu, this is no ordinary criminal hideout. Featuring a garden populated with deadly plants and venomous snakes, the compound is a veritable murder machine, with hundreds having already lost their lives to it. To get to the heart of the castle and put a stop to the madness, Bond must first master the ancient ways of the ninjutsu. And he must master them quickly, for there is much more to the sinister Dr Shatterhand than first appears.
A madman in a suit of samurai armour sits at the centre of a castle rigged with lethal booby traps … It’s a classic Bond setup, and it delivers on all the action it promises, yet You Only Live Twice is also the book that reveals the most about the agent’s interior life. Fleming shows us a man shattered by a terrible loss, and, offering a unique insight into one of the greatest fictional characters of all time, the book also contains Bond’s potential obituary, detailing his early life and education. Fay Dalton’s incredible depictions of Bond also peel away the layers, letting the reader glean what they will from a wry half-smile, a downcast face or a dishevelled lock of hair.
‘How wincingly well Mr Fleming writes’
- Sunday Times