This Folio Life: Getting the details right in Hide My Eyes
Choosing the right illustrator for a commission is only half the story. Though we may appear to have found the perfect match of visual tone ...
Choosing the right illustrator for a commission is only half the story. Though we may appear to have found the perfect match of visual tone ...
One of the most challenging elements of facsimile publication is the reproduction work required. The Morgan Library & Museum in New York, where the original copy ...
I was fortunate enough recently to be at the ancient chapel of St Peter ad Vinicula in the Tower of London, for a concert led by ...
The first question I am often asked is how we choose the books we publish. Our list as it stands today, in 2016, is as ...
My priority as director of Folio’s wonderful editorial team is to channel our love for the books we publish – to send a secret message ...
Folio’s edition of Songs of Innocence and of Experience is reproduced from one of the finest surviving copies, known as ‘Copy W’, now held at King’s College, University of Cambridge. In this blog, Folio’s Production Director Kate Grimwade explains how she matched our edition as closely as possible to Blake’s original manuscript.
In this blog, Becky Chambers, author of The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, shares her reaction to seeing some of Zoë van Dijk’s vivid illustrations for the Folio edition of her incredible novel.
Depending on your family traditions and the extent of your invites, festive dinners can either be a raucous free-for-all or a calm culinary extravaganza. But whatever the scene, every dining table would be livened up with a Marvel Super Hero. From extraordinary strength to healing potions and a magic hammer, scroll down to discover who could be tucking into turkey at your house this year.