Into the Duneiverse!
Forget world-building. When it comes to Dune, Frank Herbert set out to build an empire.
Forget world-building. When it comes to Dune, Frank Herbert set out to build an empire.
Imagine it. You go into work one day and are handed something immensely precious: a story. And not just any story, either. A story loved by millions. One that has spawned countless fan websites. Inspired fan fiction. Featured in Twitter spats that threaten to break friendships, if not the internet. And now you are in charge of it.
Joe Whitlock Blundell completes his retrospective look at the Folio Society engravings by Harry Brockway, who died on 1 January 2024.
Have you got your eye on our newest edition of Nineteen Eighty-Four? Well, we don't blame you ... it's pretty spectacular! And while we'd love to take all the credit, we couldn't possibly. With La Boca by our side, we've transformed this classic dystopian novel into its most epic form yet, and you can read all about it below in their exclusive interview!
Of all the distinguished group of wood engravers who worked regularly on Folio books in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Harry Brockway was the youngest, the strongest and the fittest, making his death on 1 January this year particularly shocking and saddening